On this page meteorological data from 3 sites in Denmark can be found.
For details about the measured variables, please see the metadata file associated to each site. The metadata is stored in the same location as the data.
Data from CLIMAITE (Brandbjerg), Copenhagen University: doi.org/10.17894/ucph.e58a99c2-da7b-444a-b1c0-11f00e70041c
For more information about the site: CLIMAITE/Brandbjerg (Copenhagen University)
Data from Højbakkegård, Copenhagen University: doi.org/10.17894/ucph.8d941a14-b098-4ca5-b177-412f50be1731
For more information about the site: Højbakkegård (Copenhagen University)
Data from Foulumgård, Aarhus University: dx.doi.org/10.21994/loar4109
For more information about the site: Foulum (Aarhus University)
For more information about the AnaEE-DK project: AnaEE DK