Author- and contributorship policies at DH4PMP
When you enter into a collaboration with DH4PMP, we engage in a constructive, committed and open exchange of ideas, data, and results.
When you publish research based on data from DH4PMP, we request that you ...:
- invite collaborators from DH4PMP for contributorship on your publication where appropriate (see below),
- explicitly acknowledge in your publication that DH4PMP provided data (and, when relevant, processing, analyses, visualization etc.) for your publication. This can typically be done in an acknowledgement section or in a footnote on the first page. You should also include some versioning information of the data, at least the date it was obtained. If you are interested in a data-DOI, we can also arrange for that, provided the data can be publicly shared.
- inform Henrik Kragh Sørensen by email of the publication, preferably with a DOI or link, and accept that we link to your publication from the DH4PMP website.