I am one of 3 PI's in a new ESS Lighthouse focused on Colloids and Interfaces in Food and Pharma. The center will recruit three new tenure-track assistand professors to strengthen the Danish Neutron community in collid science.
We are organising a new PhD-School on Small-angle scattering: Principles, data analysis and advanced modeling to be held at University of Copenhagen August 19th to 23rd. We will welcome a suite of excellent lecturers - please see website for latest details.
Our paper on Shape2SAS is out - a web-application for simulation of solution scattering from geometric shapes - going from simple to quite complex shapes. Requires no installation so we have found it very useful for teaching purposes to explore basic concepts and generate fast virtual data to import into Sasview for example to learn how to fit models. Read the paper HERE.
Just returned from a 2-month research stay at Dept. of Chemistry at University of Sydney where I was visiting my long-term collaborator Prof. Stephen Hyde. The visit also allowed me to interact with a range of other scientist in Sydney, including at the Australian neutron facility ANSTO. Furher, I visited another collaborator at ANU in Canberra, Prof. Vanessa Robins and finally visited Prof. Gerd Schröder-Turk at Murdoch University in Perth where I gave a lecture for the Australian Institute of Physics about scattering methods in food science. Big thanks to the Carlsberg foundation and Niels Bohr Fondet for supporting the visit.
Very proud of this work which had been a few years on the way. A gigantic effort by Martin Cramer Pedersen to make this work: we are presenting a new way of visualising and analysing patterns on negatively curved surfaces by mapping to the flat page using the Poincaré disc model of the hyperbolic plane. In analogy to a flat map of the earth, this allows to simplify very complex 3D patterns to 2D. Find the actual paper HERE.
Together with Martin Cramer Pedersen I am the local organizer of our 4th International PhD School on 'Geometry and Topology in Contemporary Material Science' which will be held from August 6-12 2022 at the Niels Bohr Institute. My fellow co-organizers and co-lecturers are Stephen Hyde (Uni. Sydney), Gerd Schröder-Turk (Murdoch, Perth), Myfanwy Evans (Uni. Potsdam), Philipp Schoenhoefer (Uni. Michigan) and Martin C. Pedersen (NBI). Read more HERE.
I have accepted a new tenured position at the food science department of University of Copenhagen. I will be affiliated with the Molecular Food Structure group. Read more about the department HERE.
I have written one of the chapters in a new book on the ’Role of Topology in Materials’. It is part of a Springer series on Solid State Sciences. Read my contribution HERE or check the full contents of the book HERE.
Our new work on three-arm star block copolymers exposed to extreme stretch has been accepted in Physical Review Letters. Read it HERE.
I have written a small paper in danish about struc-tural complexity in soft matter which is out now in KVANT - Tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi. Check it out HERE.
I am invited to speak at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley, California. The meeting is titled 'Hot Topics: Shape and Structure of Materials', for more information see HERE.
I am currently on a 3 month stay at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia visiting my close collaborator Gerd Schröder-Turk. We are going to work on simulation problems in soft matter and biological physics. Read more about Gerd's research HERE. I am also this year guest speaker at the annual dinner of The Australian Institute of Physics's WA branch where I'll be talking about 'Soft matter as a playground for the exploration of space partitioning'.
I am the local organizer of our 3rd International PhD School on 'Geometry and Topology in Contemporary Material Science' which will be held from September 3-9 2017 at the Niels Bohr Institute. My fellow co-organizers and co-lecturers are Stephen Hyde (ANU, Canberra), Gerd Schröder-Turk (Murdoch, Perth), Myfanwy Evans (TU-Berlin), Toen Castle (UPenn) and Martin C. Pedersen (NBI). Read more HERE.
I have the pleasure of being visited by Dr. Vanessa Robins from the Australian National University. Vanessa is an expert in computational topology and we are gonna take the first steps in our new collaboration on using persistent homology to explore soft matter phase transitions.
I am very proud to be this years recipient of the 'Jens Martin Award' - the annual Niels Bohr Institute teaching award. The award is named after Jens Martin Knudsen, the Danish Mars researcher who was known as a dedicated and gifted educator. I have received the award together with the rest of the team who re-organized and ran the 2016 Linear Algebra and Classical Mechanics course on the Nano Science education: Jonas Søgaard Juul, Tine Bryder Nielsen and Jesper Bruun. Read more HERE.
Gerd Schröder-Turk and I are looking for suitable candidates interested in doing a joint phd between NBI and Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. A prerequisite is excellent grades on your BSc education. The fellowship requires the student to apply, deadline in September each year, read more HERE. The project is in theoretical polymer science and involves the development of a new hybrid simulation setup combining self-consistent field theory and molecular particle based simulations. You can read more about the scientific part of the project here.
Together with Birte Martin-Bertelsen I have done an extensive scattering study on the self-assembly of synthetic cell-wall lipid analogues. We find the first known example of lipids forming both interdigitated bilayers and molecular superlattices of the lipid headgroups. The study is out now in Langmuir.
We have made a nice Small-Angle Neutron Scattering study of labeled polymers subjected to very fast flows by uniaxial elongation using filament stretching rheometry. By blending short and long chains and looking at the deuterium-labeled short chains we find clear experimental evidence for nematic field effects from the long chains on the short chains, something currently not accounted for in tube theory.
I have contributed to a nice paper which is on the cover of ChemNanoMat. Most of the work was done by Laura Kacenauskaite in the group of Matthias Arenz at the Chemistry Department of University of Copenhagen. The title of the paper is 'Synthesis Mechanism and Influence of Light on Unprotected Platinum Nanoparticles Synthesis at Room Temperature'. Check out my publication page if you are more interested.
Next week I am visiting Gerd Schröder-Turk at the Mathematics and Statistics department at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. I will be giving a talk on block copolymer self-assembly as part of their lecture series "From snot to tissue: Development, geometry and function of structured materials" :-)
From January to end of March 2016 I will be on an extended visit to Prof. Stephen Hyde at the Applied Mathematics department at the Australian National University.
Together with Gerd Schröder-Turk I am co-organizing a GSOFT focus session at the 2015 March APS meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The session is entitled "Beyond the Gyroid: complex network phases in self-assembled soft materials" and will feature an invited keynote lecture by Prof. Stephen Hyde and 12 contributed talks and posters. The program is now available here.
Our new tiling paper is a Soft Matter hot paper and features as a cover article in the 10th 2014 edition of Soft Matter.
Nice review comment: "This paper is a gem. It was a pleasure to read not only for its style but also for its content. I rarely see papers like this now where the authors have done such a complete and thorough study of the problem at hand. I am particularly impressed by their use of multiple approaches and their comparison with other approaches. Figure 12 is brilliant. This should be the gold standard for reporting results like this. The problem is interesting and timely. Accept! "
We are pleased to announce the second International PhD School on 'Geometry and Topology of Liquid Crystals and Related Ordered Materials' which will be held August 19- 23, 2013 at RMIT University in Melbourne. More information can be found on the webpage of last year's school. Write to geometrytopologymaterials@gmail.com to sign up or get more detailed information.
We have recently published a great article in PNAS on the intersection of self-assembly and hyperbolic tilings. You can see the article online here or just go to my publications and find the pdf.